About Aikido
Aikido (Japanese: 合気道 ) is a modern Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba as a synthesis of his martial studies, philosophy, and religious beliefs. Aikido is often translated as "the way of unifying (with) life energy"or as "the way of harmonious spirit."Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury. Aikido techniques consist of entering and turning movements that redirect the momentum of an opponent's attack, and a throw or joint lock that terminates the technique. " The more you train in Aikido, the more there is to learn"
Terakoya Aikido
" Terakoya Aikido Dojo" was founded in 2013 by Arie W. Saputro and affiliated to Hombu Japan under Bali Aikikai Organization. 寺子屋 - " T E R A K O YA "means : "It is an old school in Japan long time ago that educate the children about everything, writing, reading, diciplin, mental and character built. It is very good for us as we have many kids student, also for adult we always think that we always a kids in Aikido, always have a feeling as a beginner when training, to empty the bottle to receive the lesson from our sensei. The goals of the dojo is to develop an advanced Aikido training mindset, maintain the basic movement and Ki connection and most important the understanding to applicate the Aikido essence in life.
Aikido for kids
Why Aikido is valuable for kids ?
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Aikido is about developing the full human potential, and school is one of the most important places for this potential to be realised. Aikido teaches children “how to be strong” and “how to look cool” while winning without fighting. They discover that staying calm and relaxed is much stronger than things like anger, force and aggression. They learn about taking responsibility, doing the right thing, even without reward and treating each other with respect and kindness. We believe that the principles we learn on the mat in Aikido; self-discipline, mutual respect, co-operation, compassion, leadership, and respect for those who are willing to lead, guide, and teach us, are principles for a balanced life. This is what our children can gain by exposure to Aikido.
25 August 2016
Terakoya Dojo :
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